Smart upgradeFor public restrooms

Nobody likes dirty restrooms. Besides the ick factor, public bathrooms can be a threat to public health because they are usually enclosed, have poor ventilation and experience high traffic daily. It would be best to have larger restrooms with better ventilation and more frequent cleaning, but that would require a costly and lengthy renovation.

Does Geberit have a solution for this? We first need to examine the dirtiest and the most likely offender for spreading diseases – the toilet flush.

Toilet seats and pans, interestingly, are not the dirtiest touch points in public restrooms because they are constantly cleaned with disinfectants. Unfortunately, the flush buttons and handles don’t always receive the same meticulous treatment.

This is problematic because bacteria and viruses can linger on surfaces. Moreover, when the toilet is flushed, it sprays aerosols into the air which can settle onto surfaces within 1.8 metres of the toilet bowl. Viruses and bacteria can then accumulate on the toilet flush.

A safer, contact-less experience

Geberit Pneumatic Foot Flush

Minimise the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses with hands-free flushing. Moreover, the foot actuator can be installed anywhere within 3 meters of the WC so aerosols from the WC have no chance to settle on the flush button.

Besides better hygiene, there are more reasons to choose the Geberit pneumatic foot flush:

Geberit pneumatic foot flush installation

A Faster Solution

Suitable for solid and drywall construction for both existing or newly built bathrooms, the foot flush can be retrofitted easily and quickly. The wall mounted flush actuator can be used with the Geberit concealed cistern coupled with either a wall hung WC or back to wall floor standing WC.

The pneumatic flush device uses air pressure, so no electricity or AC supplies are needed, therefore simplifying installation further!

An upgrade that lasts

Pneumatic flush actuation has fewer maintenance issues compared to sensor flush plates and buttons, so it is a more durable hands-free solution. Made of quality stainless steel, the foot flush is also vandal-proof for better long-term reliability.

Furthermore, for conventional flush valves, water hammering happens in the water supply pipes every time the valves open and close during flushing. This creates a lot of noise and damages the flush valve. This is not the case for the pneumatic foot flush when it is coupled with concealed cisterns, so you can enjoy lowered maintenance costs in the long run.

For every situation

No matter the situation, there is a suitable installation that allows simple maintenance in the future.

1. Half-Wall Installation

Create a vanity top behind the WC for additional storage space.

2. Back Duct Installation

Install the foot flush from the back so servicing can be done privately behind the wall without disturbing any restroom users.

3. Ceiling Installation

With this installation, servicing can be done from the ceiling, which saves wall space.

Products for more cleanliness in the bathroom