
Sustainable construction

More than a third of global CO2emissions are attributable to the construction industry and building maintenance. The leverage for reducing environmental pollution is particularly great here. No wonder, then, that there is a call for sustainable products and solutions. But what does “sustainable“ mean? Certificates for sustainable construction provide assistance here. Below you will find the most important standards and reference examples.

Built for arts

Architecture is art in itself. Building art in the service of cultural institutions fulfils a double mission. It makes room for other arts and should itself be convincing as a building. Spectacular examples of this architectural freestyle can be found here.

small is beautiful

Small apartment? No problem! Even in just a few square metres you can live comfortably without compromising on quality and design.

The selection of Geberit references on the topic of “Small but nice“ follows a new trend: Micro flats. Because small living space and good design are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary.

Architectural delicacies with Geberit ingredients

Around the world, Geberit products and solutions can be found in buildings of all kinds. You will find a selection of the most interesting objects on this page.

roof drainageOn Top

The selection of Geberit references on the topic of “On top“ compiled below offers a bird's eye view in the truest sense of the word: it focuses on the roofs of interesting buildings around the globe. The variety of different roof constructions could hardly be greater. And yet all the objects presented have something in common: they require a reliable and efficient roof drainage system that allows the architecture maximum design freedom. The space-saving Pluvia negative pressure drainage system from Geberit offers an ideal solution for this.